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Thank you for your interest in a Bible studies for inmates.  Here at Bible Studies for Inmates we send studies to inmates in prison each month.  If you have a loved one or a friend in prison that would like to receive a monthly Bible study, please email their name and complete prison mailing address.  These Bible studies are produced by Portland Metro Church’s pastor.  You can check both our pastor and the church out at:  


If  you could, please send a  self-addressed, stamped envelope with the inmate’s mailing address.  Make sure you put there Prison ID number on it as well.  If you cannot, then you can email us at: or call (503) 206-6568 with this information. 


Also if God puts it on your heart to help out with a love offering to pay for stamps or envelopes for others, please email us and let us know.  Thank you for your support. You can find us on face book


We are happy to be able to get a Bible study to those incarcerated.


This  is the Bible study   for   05/21/2014


The Cross is the exit door from sin’s pain, guilt, and shame.


Getting Started:  How is the cross the exit door from sin’s pain, guilt, and shame?  What does that mean to you?


Bible Exploration:

1. Romans 3:23 and 14:10.  Why does God have the right to tell us we are wrong, and that our behavior is sin? 


2. 2nd Corinthians 5:19 and Genesis 2:25.  How does the cross legally release us from the guilt and penalty of our sin?  How is the cross our return ticked to the purity and innocence of Eden?  What are some things we do to try to deal with our shame?


 3. Isaiah 53:5 and Matthew 11:28 – 30.  Does God want to shame people into wanting to repent?  Why is it a good thing that we would feel guilt for doing something bad?


4. Hebrews 10:14, 17, 18.  How can we live free of guilt and with self-imposed amnesia?  How does God help us to not remember when people do bad things to us?  Why is it so hard for us to forgive others?  Why is it so hard for us to forgive ourselves?


5. Psalm 32:2 – 5.  What are some of the highlights of this Bible passage?  Why should we confess and repent of our sin?  What happens when we confess and repent of our sin? 


6. 1st John 1:8,9.  What is so important about these verses?  What is the relationship between claiming to have no sin and the truth?  How soon does God forgive us if we confess and repent of our sin?


Life Application:


1. Talk about what was the highlight of this Bible study for you?


2. Why is it so important that we know these thing"Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will." 


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